Saturday, April 12, 2008

Spring Festival in China

In China, the most important festival is neither Christmas nor New Year's Day,but the "Spring Festival". It is called Chinese New Year here. The festival comes either in late january or early Februry.Every one goes home to celebrate the festival with their parents or elders.

I had a most memorable festival , the Spring Festival, that was celebrated with my parents and my grandparents in DanDong. On the eve of the Spring Festival, the weather in northeast China was very cold. The ground was coverd with snow. In the evening , five of us sat around the table and ate the dumplings that we had made ourselves. This is the tradition in China.After dinner, we went to the park to enjoy a fireworks and the landtern display. This is the highlight of the evening.Though the weather was cold, there were still many people in the park. The firework was spectacular--as if there had been a lot of stars shinning in the sky,and then it burst into sparks. These glittering flowers of fire drifted down, making bright tracks in the dark curtain of night.More beautiful than the fireworks. The ice was glistening and translucent, like crystal, under the light. We forgot the cold weather and entered a dreamlike fairyland.

It was an unfogettable night and it was also the last Spring Festival with fireworks and lantern display that i have seen until now. The pace of modern life is so fast that fewer and fewer families hold reunion dinners. I still think back fondly to that magical night.


Brad Blackstone said...

Thank you very much for this poignant description of the festival, Chengzhi. You render the images in a most poetic fashion. While reading it, I felt like I was there. A very fine post!

Thank you also for your hard work this term. I appreciate your commitment to improve your English.

Best wishes in your future!

Yao Chengzhi said...

thank u sir, i will keep on working

Yao Chengzhi said...

heihei, just one last i make up houhou...

CAROT said...

that moment is ahort but the memory about it will warm us forever...Wish you with the best wishes!^^