Tuesday, April 8, 2008

compare and contrast two waste disposal schemes

Nowadays , as the population problems become more severe and people concentrate more on health so many waste dispasal schemes have been brought up. i just want to introduce two schemes and give a brief comparation of the two.
i think the most common schemes is the incineration option , which can help reduce the landfilling. however, to carry out this schemes, the goverment will suffer a lot from the political and financial problems.
To solve the political and financial problem, many local authorities are turning to a system called zero waste. Zero waste does not mean the acurate zero, instead , that means we are going to find ways to turn waste into a proficable resource or design it out of the system altogether . in my opinion, the zero scheme is definitely better than the incineration option.
In my country-China, known as a big-population country in the world, people produce a lot of rubbish every day and I admit that the environment has been badlly damaged already. Because of the large amount of rubbish and a lot of landfilling , the cineration option will cost a lot of the goverment . Therefore, the ideal way for China is the zero waste scheme . On one hand, it protects the environment, on the other hand ,it will make a profilable resource.


Yao Chengzhi said...

blackstone pls help make comments.........

Yao Chengzhi said...

i got lost of my groupmates....

Yao Chengzhi said...

i think this one is so poor that no one wants to make comments.....5555555555