Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Impression of the Great Gorges project

My impression of the Great Gorges project can be expressed in two words"great"and "thankful"
Firstly this is definitely a great project of China, what is more i do not think any other country can build such a great project because China is a socialism country the government has the ability to send her wealth to the project while it is not easy for many other countries' government to do so.
Sencondly , the project is ,on the other hand , quite great for once it is completed the citizens through out China will benefit a lot from the project. To me ,i really want to say "thank u" to my country. There are quite a lot of areas where lacking of electricity is a big problem , which means no tv no light in the night........
To sum up, i am proud of my country and the Great Gorges project.


Flystehu said...

I am quite agree with you. The power crisis is really a big problem.

Yao Chengzhi said...

thanks for ur comments.
i trust our country ,she can make a lot of wonders

Kwon Hyuk Jin said...

I would have liked to read how chinese citizens would benefit from the construction of the dam more... I expect it will be very different to hear from you guys from what I know and think.

By the way, I am sure that all Chinese are proud of their country. The recent growth has been marvellous.

Kwon Hyuk Jin said...

Looks like no others had posted this topic yet...

Pascal Gekko said...

I never know that there are quite a lot of areas which still do not have electricity in the night which means that electricity is still a big problem in China. I agree that the Three Gorges Dam can be a good solution for China's electricity problem if and only if the government is able to handle the monstrous amount of energy produced by the dam.