Tuesday, January 22, 2008

My life meaning~

To tell the truth, I have not ever thought about my life meaning seriously. To some of us, life is about enjoying, studying, playing and sleeping. To some others, life may be about contributing to their friends, to the society and to the nature that we are living in. However, to me, life is about be myself—be the one I am really is. It is not important that what others think about me, I am just myself-- a young man who lives a simple life. I like writing and I write when I would like to; I like basketball and I am a team member in the Hall Basketball Team; I like being together with my friends through hardness and happiness. I am not “abnormal”(^_^). I am not a super star and I do not wish to be. However, that is me and I like myself as I am.

yeah~ That is me, would you like a person like me? Hope so~~^^

My new blog~

Welcome to my blog!!~~

My dear friend~

I am very happy to share my life with you~~
Wish all of you happy~~
